Performance at Trinity United at 3:00 pm
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Live performance by:
Brian Manker - Cello, Andrew Wan - Violin, Jonathan Crow - Violin, Sharon Wei - Viola
Photo by Dahilia Katz
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: (1756-1791) |
String Quartet No. 15, K.421 in D minor |
Carmen Braden (Yellowknife) Vincent Ho (Calgary) Cecilia Livingston (Toronto) |
(TBA) New commissioned 5-minute works by Canadian composers |
Franz Schubert: (1797-1828) |
String Quartet No. 14 in D minor, D 810, known as Death and the Maiden quartet. |
The Maiden:
"Oh! leave me! Prithee, leave me! thou grisly man of bone!
For life is sweet, is pleasant.
Go! leave me now alone!
Go! leave me now alone!"
"Give me thy hand, oh! maiden fair to see,
For I'm a friend, hath ne'er distress'd thee.
Take courage now, and very soon
Within mine arms shalt softly rest thee!"
Matthias Claudius